

Friday, March 14, 2014

Five on [this beautiful] Friday

Today has been a good day, and there are lots of reasons why, but I am only going to give you five since it is '5 on Friday', after all :)

We started out our day ending a 3 day cleanse (DIY Blueprint Cleanse, I used this guide and this guide) and had amazing omelets at our favorite little breakfast spot. Matt really had wanted to try a "cleanse" and so I apprehensively agreed to do it with him. I was really surprised how well I did. As someone who gets "hangry" on a regular basis, I thought 3 days with no solid food would be torture, but I must be more mentally tough than I thought ;)

We got to watch our sweet niece for my sister today. I love watching Jane on Matt's days off because having two sets of hands around makes hanging with a baby much more fun and enjoyable. Jane looooves being outside and since it was such a beautiful day I took her outside and snapped some cute pics of her in her cheerleading uniform-

 and then her momma came home and she was pretty jazzed :)
her adorable "uniform" brings me to my next point:

My Jayhawks play tonight! I am getting really excited for March Madness and I love that my husband is a complete KU fan convert-- quite the accomplishment since he used to cheer for DUKE growing up. Sooo glad he saw the light and came over to the good side!

Matt and I both grew up playing tennis but somehow in the last 6 years we have been friends/ dating we never played together.
Today was the first time I was able to show off my skills. It was a blast and the best part was seeing the look on Matt's face when he couldn't return some of my shots... he must have had really low expectations for me :)

Tonight we have nothing on our agenda but time together relaxing at home. We are urbanspooning and trying to decide a new place to do dinner. I love a good relaxing Friday night at home with Boo.

Happy weekend!

Friday, March 7, 2014

Five on Friday

Have you heard of the app for your iPhone called Argus? It is a fitness app that does all kinds of stuff including counting your steps, keeping track of your water/ food intake, and even measuring your blood pressure. I have become obsessed with getting in my "steps" everyday and you can find me pacing the living room most nights before bed trying to reach my goal of 10,000.

Last month Matt and I both caught the flu bug. I haven't been that sick in a while and it wasn't pretty. What was especially rough was that Matt got it the day before he was set to preach at the church. Praise the Lord- he made it through the worst of it before Sunday, and did an excellent job. Here is the link to his sermon if you are interested.

This past Sunday my sister came to town so we could attend the baby shower of an old friend. Before we went she snapped some photos of me, Matt, and Boo dog. I also took some pics of her and Jane baby a.k.a. "cutest niece in the whole world". You can see more at Char's blog, but here are a few of my favorites-

Now that our winter retreat for the high school students is behind us we can start looking forward the next big thing which is the mission trip Matt is leading to Nicaragua. I am going along as a chaperone and am so excited to be going on my first missions trip outside the U.S.! This will also be the first time Matt and I have traveled outside the country together. Seems like it should be a bucket list item for our marriage. We will be spending our time there at Villa Esperanza in Managua, a home for abused and at-risk girls who had previously been living in the dump community.We will be serving alongside a local church and helping with all sorts of projects as well as hanging out with the girls living at the Villa. Matt and I both feel blessed for the opportunity to do this together and alongside some of our really awesome high school students!

In January Matt and I decided to challenge ourselves to eat at home for every meal. While there were a few exceptions, (meals out with family, etc.) I can say that we were pretty successful. Our month of eating at home inspired me to try to "cook my way through Pinterest" in 2014. While my ever growing food board would be hard to complete in a year, I think trying 100  new recipes is a realistic goal. I was off to a great start in January and when the flu made its way through our house last month cooking (and eating, in general) really lost its appeal. Hoping to get back on track this month.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!